Privacy Policy

JND UAB provides bus, minibus and car rental services to persons aged at least 22 and with at least 4 years of driving experience.

  1. General provisions
    1.1. is the website of JND UAB. This Privacy Policy of UAB “JND” regulates the basic principles and procedures for collecting, processing, storing and processing personal data on the electronic website (;
    1.2 The collection, processing and storage of your personal data is governed by this Privacy Policy, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts;
    1.3 By ordering our services on the E-Service and providing your personal data, you agree that will manage and process them for the purposes, means and in accordance with the procedure set out in this Privacy Policy and the legislation;
    1.4 It is strictly forbidden to copy, plagiarise or otherwise use the information provided by the company on the website without the written consent of UAB JND.
  2. Rules for placing an order:
    2.1 You must provide full, complete and correct information about yourself on the Order Form. If you provide inaccurate, false or misleading information on the order form, we have the right to cancel your order or restrict your access to the eService;
    2.2 By ticking the I have read and accept the booking conditions box on the booking form, you confirm that you have read and accept the booking conditions;
    2.3 By ticking the I have read and agree to the security policy box on the booking form, you confirm that you have read and understood this JND Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.
  3. Collection, processing, storage of personal data
    3.1 adheres to the following basic principles for the processing of personal data:
    3.1.1 Personal data shall be collected for the defined and legitimate purposes listed in points 3.2.1 to 3.2.4 and processed accurately and fairly;
    3.1.2 Personal data shall be kept up-to-date and retained for no longer than required by the stated purposes of the processing, but no longer than 5 years (five years). At the end of the specified period, the person designated by the head of the company must destroy the customer information received;
    3.1.3 Personal data shall be processed and handled only by those employees of JND UAB who have been granted the right to do so by signature and who have been informed of the legislation governing the protection of personal data;
    3.1.4 The information relating to the processing of personal data referred to in point 3.2 is confidential.
    3.2 JND UAB respects the right to privacy of each customer on the website All personal data that will be processed is obtained directly from you: name, surname, telephone number, personal identification number, e-mail address and other information provided in the e-services order form. The data is collected and processed for the following purposes:
    3.2.1 process properly the service order placed by the customer;
    3.2.2 issue financial documents (e.g. invoice, etc.);
    3.2.3 resolve problems related to the proper delivery and performance of services;
    3.2.4 fulfil other contractual obligations.
    3.3 Transfer of personal data to third parties:
    3.3.1 The Service Provider shall be entitled to transfer information to third parties only for the purposes of clause 3.2;
    3.3.2 Only in accordance with the procedures and in the cases provided for by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania (e.g. to courts, bailiffs, law enforcement authorities, the State Tax Inspectorate or other third parties with a legitimate interest in the Republic of Lithuania).
  4. Amendment and final provisions:
    4.1 JND UAB has the right to amend the terms of the Privacy Policy in part or in full by notifying the e-services website Your continued use of the services on our website constitutes your compliance with and acceptance of these terms;
    4.2 By providing us with your personal data, you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not submit your personal data for processing;
    4.3 All disagreements and disputes arising shall be resolved by negotiation. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes shall be settled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania
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